Saturday, September 29, 2012

Importance of Place Value!

Many skills are critical to mathematics success in elementary school.  The understanding of numbers, number sense and place value are huge!  We spoke a bit about the importance of place value at our recent Math Parent University Night last week, so I thought I would add a little to the blog about place value and its importance.

Place value is the system of writing numerals in which the value of the digit is determined by its position, or relationship to other digits.  These values are multiples of a common base of 10 in our decimal system.  In Singapore, place value is considered a foundational skill for all mathematical learning.

Article:  Place Value in Math In Focus
DIY Place Value Mats  - Yes, you too can make a place value mat to work with your child at home!  Easy project, fun and useful.  Visit Lindsey's blog for directions to make this cute and useful resource!  Remember the concrete to pictorial to abstract?  This would be a concrete task.