Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Mental Math - Near Doubles!

Once your child knows their doubles, they can use that and count up or down to solve a problem.

If 4 + 4 is 8, then 4 + 5 is 9 (count up by one).
If 4 + 4 is 8, then 4 + 3 is 7 (count down by one).

See how everything is related in math?  Helping break it down for your child helps them make sense of mathematics.  Try these great ideas to support your child as they work to understand doubles and near doubles.


Friday, January 18, 2013

Mental Math - Doubles!

I love teaching children doubles.  They love it too!  Doubles are everywhere in real life.  Think about an egg carton, 6 + 6.  Think about the fingers on two hands, 5 + 5.  Think about a 16-pack of crayons, 8 + 8.   Once children see the pattern, they find doubles everywhere!

Practice in the car.  Practice on an airplane.  Practice as you go for a walk with your child.  Ask your child to explain how they figured out the answer.  Use a "million dollar question," and ask...
How do you know?
Are you sure?
Can you tell me more about how you figured that out?

Saturday, January 12, 2013

Mental Math - Adding Eight!

Does this sound familiar?  This is the same as working with nine from my December 13, 2012 posting...  almost!  

Make eight into a friendly ten, then add.  When you are done, take two away.

8 + 5 =  _____
Make 8 into a friendly 10 (8+2=10), then add your 5.
10 + 5 = 15  

Take two away now!
15 - 2 =  13
The answer is 13!


Thursday, January 3, 2013

Snow Coming?

Hi parents!  Just a few more days before the kiddos head back to school.  It sounds like we have snow in our forecast.  Here is a great article with tons of ideas for your to play mathematically with your children around the theme of snow!  Enjoy every minute...

Remember, school resumes on Monday, January 7, 2013!  We are looking forward to welcoming your children back to school in a new year - 2013.
Happy New Year!!